A Slice of History

A Slice of History


Website: http://autosoftheworld.us/

 Box 755, Warwick, RI 02889

We want to help preserve the vehicles of the past, to raise money for those organizations that strive to help others in their time of need. To put on display not just the cars and trucks of the past, but ourselves. We are saying the past is worth saving, learn from it. No one has ever restored any vehicle without the knowledge and love gleaned from another wiser person, a mentor who guided us, using the car as a metaphor for life and showing us that quality in an old car or a young man lasts and has worth and value.

This year, as you stroll through Goddard Park, I hope you will be taken back in time, and I hope you will share your experience with your loved ones.

The main purpose of the show is not just the hundreds of cars and the massive trucks, but the sharing of ideas of passing our history to future generations. We will continue to make this a family show and to offer to the car enthusiast the best venue to showcase their talent and resourcefulness. We also hope we can create an atmosphere where the public can truly enjoy our sport/hobby.