Wooly Productions

Wooly Productions

Website: http://thewooled.com/

 508 207 6896

 445 Academy Ave, Providence, RI 02908

The Woolies are dedicated to developing a society of brave interaction and aesthetics through a progression of surreal, spectacular, people-driven events. That’s our story and we’re sticking to it. And we’re looking for you to be a part. Not the you who would otherwise eat a ham sandwich alone in your parked car, but the you who would make a ham-sandwich costume for a deli-themed dance party.

We’re looking for you at your most unabashedly creative, you at your most fearlessly absurd. We’re looking for makers and booty shakers, all of you game, furry souls to be part of Wooly Fair– our Providence-born DIY art carnival — and all Wooly events.
Because together is the only way we know how, together is how we work.